‘A Psalm for the sinner and the saint’ (Psalm 51:1-19)

As one of the Psalms of King David, Psalm 51 relates how David confessed his sins to God and found that God is gracious. Rev Russ Grinter reminds us in this message that this grace transforms a sinner into a saint (a believer in Jesus Christ) through repentance and faith. This grace also enables those who are saints to continue to repent and believe – which is just what God wants from us in the New Year, a life of repentance and faith.

‘A Psalm for the New Year’ (Psalm 90:1-17)

It’s good practise to begin the New Year with sober thoughts and Psalm 90 does just that. As one of the oldest portions of Scripture, the Psalm brings us face to face with the eternal nature of God, His judgments and His mercies and yet at the same time, the transient nature of man. Life is short, therefore Moses encourages us to ‘number our days’. The truly wise person lives in the light of the shortness of life here on earth and the length of eternity.

‘Journeying on to the city of the great King’ (Psalms 132, 133, 134)

Psalms 132,133 and 134 are three psalms that are linked by a common theme of being part of the ‘songs of ascent’ that were sung by the people of Israel going up to Jerusalem. Psalm 132 highlights that the city of Jerusalem was the city where God’s King lived. Psalm 133 celebrates the unity of the people of God in that city, and Psalm 134’s focus is upon the worship of God’s Name that happened there by day and night. Heaven will be all this and more for God’s people upon a ‘pilgrim journey’ to that heavenly city.