APWM Missionary, Motor Isaac Yat will speak of his call to and subsequent ministry in South Sudan during our morning service on Sunday August 25th. Motor will also share during our 4th Sunday lunch and than again at ‘Reforming’s’ 5pm service. There will be opportunities to give towards Motor’s financial support during these events.
Author: Philip
‘The True and Good Shepherd of the sheep” (John 10:1-18)
After healing the man born blind in chapter 9, the conversation that Jesus had with the Pharisees centred upon the imagery of shepherds and sheep. The Pharisees’ actions in throwing out the man proved that they were not shepherds of God’s people. Jesus, however, claimed to be the one who truly loves the sheep by laying down his life for them. There is only one Good Shepherd who saves all who come to Him in faith. There is no other way of entering into the Kingdom of God.
Price Family farewelled
It was a happy/sad day for our church family as we farewelled Hugh, Hannah, Ken, Melody, Harmony, Joy, Lucy and Felicity Price on Sunday July 28. We were happy because Hugh has been appointed by the Presbyterian Church of Victoria’s Ministry Development Committee (formerly Home Missions Committee) to take up the responsibility of pastoring the Castlemaine/Carisbrook Presbyterian Churches as of Sunday August 4th – and this is good for the gospel in Central Victoria! But it was also sad because this means that we have had to ‘let go’ a dearly loved part of our church family. After commissioning them for the work in Castlemaine/Carisbrook during our morning service, farewells were said during lunch at which the Price Family gave a wonderful rendition of the hymn, ‘He leadeth me’. We will continue to pray that God will richly bless the preaching of His Word and this new ministry in His name and for His glory!
‘Healed eyes and hardened hearts’ (John 9:1-41)
After declaring that he was the ‘light of the world’ in chapter 8, Jesus then illustrated this by means of healing the man born blind in chapter 9. Though the man received his sight and his spiritual sight, the miracle not only confirmed Jesus’ claims to be the Messiah, but also revealed the hardened state of the hearts of the Pharisees who could only dismiss the miracle on the grounds that it had been done on a Sabbath. In doing so, they ignored the testimony of the formerly blind man which was, ‘I only know that I was blind, but now I can see’.
New home for Reforming!
We are pleased to announce that our daughter Church plant ‘Reforming’ (also known as South East Bendigo Presbyterian) has a new home at the Spring Gully Hall in Spring Gully Rd, Spring Gully (where else??). Join us there this week at 5pm
‘Hot topics – straight from the mouth of Jesus’ (John 8:31-59)
In John 8:31-59 Jesus was unafraid to speak openly about His claims to the Pharisees even though it cut across their understanding of truth. In a long debate between Jesus and the Pharisees, Jesus made some very significant claims as to His divinity, especially claiming to have lived long before Abraham, and that though the Pharisees claimed to be descended from Abraham, this did not make them right with God. Salvation comes through faith in Jesus not by the process of birth.
Home Groups … looking back, moving forward…Deuteronomy!
‘When the Light confronted the darkness’ (John 8:12-30)
In John 8:12-30, Jesus claimed to be ‘The Light of the world’. In doing so, He made clear his identity as the Messiah, pointed out the darkness that lived in the hearts of those who refused to believe in Him, and encouraged those who believe him to follow Him in the light He gives. Jesus also taught that His disciples are also ‘the light of the world’ who are in the world to reflect His light to many who walk in darkness.
Temporary change of venue for Reforming
‘Righteousness received by grace’ (John 8:1-11)
Russ Grinter brings our attention to the day they brought a woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus with the intent on having her stoned to death. This put Jesus into a trap. Releasing her without judgement would mean he was soft on sin. However to condemn her would have been inconsistent with his purpose. Instead, Jesus chose to forgive her and pay for her sins himself and told her to ‘sin no more’. Where the Law demands our judgement, Jesus gives grace that completely covers the sins of the guilty.