Easter Services 2018

Have you got some plans in place for Easter this year? Maybe you have. It’s a busy time for travel and holiday making and also the last of the warmer weather. Central Victoria is a great place to visit and there’s lots to see and do in Bendigo. So, if you are planning a visit, then join us on Good Friday at 9:30am and Easter Sunday at 10:30am to hear again the ‘old, old story’ that is ‘ever new’ of Jesus the Lamb of God, crucified in our place and raised from the dead for our salvation. Morning tea follows both services. All very welcome.

‘Work out your salvation’ (Philippians 2:12-18)

The Bible presents some matters as mysteries. The intersection point between what God does and what we do in response to His grace is often hard to locate. In Philippians 2:12-18, the Apostle Paul presents one of those mysteries. God works in us and yet we are called to work out our salvation. In this message that intersection point is located and explored.

‘Two gates. Two ways. Two ends. Two crowds’ (Matthew 7:13-14)

Everything that Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount is so important, but these words of Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14 seem to have much more importance and weight than the rest. Why is that? Because eternity hangs on what Jesus said in these verses. The outcome of our response to what He said will either be heaven or hell. There is no in-between. And so what He said is so vital.

Look for us at Scots Day Out!

It’s on again next Saturday March 3rd in Rosalind Park, Bendigo…and we’ll be there. Look for the tent with blue shirted, name tagged, smiling people handing out biscuit packs and inviting you to take the ultimate ‘Scottish Quiz’.  Free literature to take… and a ‘colouring corner’ for the kids!

‘Love matters’ (1 Peter 1:22-23)

The church of today is under the microscope. Recent events that have brought discredit to the name of our Saviour and a trend towards marginalising the Christian faith within our nation, has meant that more than ever, what we do and say as God’s people matters. And that is why love also matters, because love is the key to our witness to the world. Jesus said this in John 13:35 and Peter reinforced this in 1 Peter 1:13-25. Not just the world’s definition of love, but the love that springs from knowing the God who has loved and loves His people.

(Message by PCV Moderator, Rev Robert White, pictured here with his wife, Sue)


PCV Moderator to visit

One of the responsibilities of being the Moderator (elected representative) of our denomination, is the task of visiting local churches throughout the state ov Victoria. Next Sunday, February 25th, is our turn to have that privilege and so to host the current Moderator, Rev Robert White, with his wife Sue.  Robert has served in parishes in Tasmania (St John’s, Hobart) and Victoria (Essendon and Geelong West) and is now in his second year of being Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. He is pictured here leading the Communion service at the 2017 General Assembly.


‘Ministry with the mighty, merciful Messiah’ (Matthew 14:13-21)

The miracle of Jesus’ feeding of the multitudes is one that is found in all of the gospels. It served as a sign that he was Israel’s Messiah, the living Bread, who came down from heaven. In this message on that miracle found in Matthew 14:13-21, Chris explores what the miracle might have meant for the disciples back then and for disciples in this age. What attitude is required for us to be able to do ‘ministry’?  And what is that we learn most of all about the one who was able to feed the multitude, but also said, “You give them something to eat”? (Sorry, sound quality not that great!)