Bendigo Winter Night Shelter is coming…!

Things are really coming together for this new venture of compassion towards the homeless in Bendigo by participating churches, service organisations and willing volunteers…and we are pleased to be a part of it.

You can read a newspaper article about it all here and have a look at the website here. Join us as we pray for God’s blessing upon it!

‘Continuing steadfast in a finite world’ (2 Peter 3:8-18)

“It’s the end of the world as we know it” sang REM many years ago, but for many people the idea of the end of the world is little more than a joke. The Bible however has a different perspective. The end of the world is a reality that we all must face. In 2 Peter 3:8-18, Peter raises some very important matters that all mankind should be aware of.

‘Treasuring truth in a deceptive world (part 2)’ (2 Peter 2:10b-22)

By writing to his readers about the dangers of false teaching, the Apostle Peter had in mind the health of the church. For not only did he write to encourage his readers in the truth, he also wrote to expose his readers to the false and ungodly lives of those who taught error. It’s these warnings that make his words all the more applicable to today’s church in the world.

‘Treasuring truth in a deceptive world (part 1)’ (2 Peter 2:1-10a)

In 2 Peter 2:1-10a, the apostle Peter struck hard at the false teachers who were attempting to ruin the faith and understanding of his readers. After encouraging them in the first chapter to build themselves up with the right use of knowledge, this second chapter warns them of those who make the wrong use of knowledge and of course, the need for clear and sharp discernment.

‘Holding fast to the gospel in an experience-driven world’ (2 Peter 1:12-21)

Given the circumstances of those to whom Peter wrote his second letter, it’s not hard to see that in 2 Peter 1:12-21, the apostle wrote as he did. The false teachers were undermining his authority as an appointed apostle of the Lord and also downplaying the divinity of Jesus. In these verses, Peter puts them in their place and highlights something of his own first-hand experience as an eye and earwitness of the glory of Jesus and the certainty of God’s Word.

2019 ministries begin again…

It’s mid-February already and many of our regular ministries are already underway (or about to begin). SMILE Playgroup began on Monday Feb 4th, ‘Welcome Wednesdays’ on Feb 6th, Sunday School on Sunday Feb 10th, Home Groups began again during last week, Men’s and Ladies’ Fellowships met this morning, our newly formed Youth Group meets this afternoon, the Ladies’ Home Group meets this Wednesday at 1:30pm, Playgroup registration day is this Friday (Feb 22nd) at 10am and our first Quarterly Prayer Gathering for the year is next Saturday (Feb 23rd) at 10am. Contact us if you would like more information about any of these regular events.