‘Trials are spelt J-O-Y’ (James 1:1-4)

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The practical and helpful letter of James begins where it most hurts. Trials (whatever form they take) have a habit of testing and trying our faith. In this first installment on James, Philip  Burns tackles the connection between trials and the grand purpose they serve in God’s plan to help us on the path toward maturity.

‘Moses before the Lord’ (Exodus 33:12-23)

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Rev. Philip Burns continues this series highlighting the text of Exodus 33. The passage speaks of Moses’ bold approach to God in prayer that he might not pour out His wrath upon the wayward people of Israel and that he might see something of God’s glory. This happened when God put Moses on a rock and covered Moses with His hand as His glory passed by. The passage challenges to also be bold in our approach to God’s throne which will enable us to be bold in sharing the gospel with others. We also have been granted access into the presence of God through the Lord Jesus Christ to know something of this glory.

‘That golden calf’ (Exodus 32:1-35)

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Rev. Philip Burns begins this series of messages on the people of Israel’s journey through the desert at Exodus 32. The text tells how the people of Israel worshiped the golden calf in the desert. The core problem was not just idolatry but unbelief which led them forget all about the God who saved them and His commands to them. The circumstances caused by the absence of Moses remind us that Jesus our Redeemer is also ‘out of sight’ and the question is whether or not we will live and act in faith or unbelief until the day He returns.

‘Pride comes before a fall’ (Daniel 4:1-37)

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Christian Tirtha spoke from Daniel 4 about the pride of King Nebuchadnezzar. He foolishly sought to build a kingdom without acknowledging God. Only after being humiliated did he turn and give God the glory he deserves. Our pride comes before a fall too but Jesus – who is humble and yet King of kings – offers us restoration. Are we too proud to receive it?

‘Passing the baton’ (2 Timothy 2:2)

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Joel Thomas spoke from 2 Timothy 2:2 and encouraged us to pass the baton of the gospel. The gospel has come to us by God’s work through faithful people in the past. Unlike the Olympic relay, life is not a sprint and when we pass the baton, it remains with us too. As we entrust the gospel to the next generation, we run alongside, evangelise and train in such a way that they will pass it on too.

‘A rare prayer in our day’ (Matthew 9:35-38)

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Russ Grinter spoke from Matthew 9:35-38 and asked us about our prayers. Our prayers can be self-centred but our growth in the gospel – the good news that Jesus is Lord – ought to change that. Jesus says many are ready to hear this good news but few are ready to proclaim it. He tells us to pray that God would raise up workers for this harvest and equip us for this work. Sharing God’s concern for the lost changes our priorities and our prayers.

‘A gracious invitation’ (Matthew 6:5-8)

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Philip Burns begins this series of sermons on prayer by highlighting the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:5-8. Prayer is to be approached with a sincere heart. It is not for outward show. We do not pray to impress others or God as if we are performing for Him. Jesus spoke of praying behind a ‘closed door’. Prayer is also to be approached with a confident assurance. We do not need big words in order to have an audience with God. Real prayer comes out of a relationship with the God who loves and welcomes His children into His presence.

‘On prayer and praying’ (Matthew 7:7-29)

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Rev Robert Carner, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria spoke from Matthew 7:7-29 highlighting the great responsibility and challenges we face if we are to become a people of prayer. Using examples from the prayer life of George Mueller, the words of Jesus, ‘Ask, seek, knock’ as well as tackling the question, ‘If God already knows then why pray?’, we were encouraged to commit ourselves to this high calling.

‘The most important question’ (Mark 8:27-38)

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Rt Rev David Jones, Moderator General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia preached from Mark 8:27-38 highlighting the dramatic moment when Jesus posed a central question to his disciples, ‘Who do you say that I am?’ Peter’s answer ‘You are the Christ’ (Messiah) stands as one of the central confessions of the true Christian who will not only understand and believe in the importance of Jesus’ death but will also be willing to die to self every day and carry their own cross.