In Matthew 4, we read one of the most exciting passages; a master class in facing temptation. Like us, Jesus faced temptation. Unlike us – and everyone who has come before – he never fell into it. How should we respond?
Author: Andrew
‘Jesus displays his authority and power’ (Mark 4:35-41, Rev Keith Bell)
In Mark’s gospel, we meet Jesus and see his authority and power, much to the amazement of his disciples. On display is his power over nature, over demons, to forgive sin and even over death. How should we respond?
‘Jesus’ Three Three-Word Messages’ (Rev Keith Bell)
On Good Friday, we are reminded of three three-word messages: “I love you”, God shows his great love at the cross (Romans 5:8); “It is finished”, by faith our sins are paid in full; “I will return” to take us to be with him (John 14:1-6).
Jesus’ return: Three reminders (1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11)
He died, he rose, what’s next? Keith spoke from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 about how Jesus’ return should fill us with joy and hope; even govern our actions. The Christian has great comfort that there is more beyond our earthly life because we will be raised to eternal life. As children of the light, we are to live in the world but not to be of it. We are to live in readiness of his unexpected return. Is that obvious in your life now? Are you ready?
Global Hymn Sing – Jesus Shall Reign
We joined in the Global Hymn Sing.
Happy Reformation Day!
Reformation Sunday – Sola Fide – Only by Faith (Peter Orr)
Dr Peter Orr from Moore College spoke from Romans about justification by faith as we gave thanks to God for 500 years of Reformation.
‘A Clean Heart’ (Psalm 51)
Guest speaker, Rev. Ian Brown, preached from Psalm 51. King David was slow to recognise his sin (2 Samuel 11) until confronted by the prophet Nathan (2 Samuel 12) but some never do – and deceive themselves (1 John 1). David repents before God who is both just and merciful – sin is dealt with through Jesus (Romans 3:23-26). What is our response to God forgiving our sin?
‘The Exchanged Life’ (Galatians 2:15-3:9)
Guest speaker, Rev. Len Pearce spoke from Galatians 2-3 about how the Christian’s life is not just changed but exchanged. Not one of us is perfect yet there is no other way to stand before God: the Christian is justified by Christ; we exchange our sin for his perfect righteousness. We receive these benefits by God’s Spirit through faith. This is the heart of the gospel. Yet we don’t know the length of our days – be sure that you know Jesus as we get closer to eternity.
Politics, Persecution and Superpowers (Daniel 8:1-26)
Guest speaker, Jordan Brown, a student at PTC, preached from Daniel 8. We can take heart because God reigns over politics and superpowers, both in empires then and in the world now. Daniel was shaken by the vision he saw of the future and we might be shaken by persecution we face, but we live in a privileged time. Not only can we look back and see the prophecy of Daniel fulfilled but we can see the faithfulness of God even clearly in Jesus. One day every knee will bow before him.