Christmas is not about reindeer, sleigh bells or Santa, turkey, stuffing, mince pies or fruitcake, Christmas trees or presents. It’s not even about shepherds and wise men, a bright star or a manger. These last mentioned things help to make up the Bible’s account of the first Christmas, but they are not what it’s about.
God began the gift-giving tradition at Christmas by giving us His Son, Jesus. Why did He do that? Because we cannot deal with our own sin. We can no more change our sinful condition as a leopard can his spots! God sent His Son into the world to save us. The Bible says that, ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
The sad truth about Christmas is that although we all desperately need the Saviour that God sent, most people will not receive Him. Even though God’s offer is open to ‘whoever believes’ and there is no barrier in His eyes created by your skin colour or socio economic standing or which football team you support…still most people don’t mind the trimmings that go with Christmas itself, but they don’t want the Saviour that God sent.
So what is Christmas about? It’s about Jesus. It is possible to have Christmas without Jesus, but it will not be complete. You may well have the presents and all the trimmings, but without Jesus you only have the outer shell not the inner core. Imagine making more fuss over the wrapping paper than the gift it contains!
Christmas is nearly here and it will soon be gone. Don’t let it be another one filled with only wrappings and trimmings. You may never have another opportunity like this one. Seek Him.