In this short series called ‘Postcards from the past’ we come across this short letter of John the Apostle in which the writer urges his readers towards balance. Losing your balance can have terrible consequences in life and this is true also in the spiritual life. Sometimes, even sincere believers can go to extremes and get caught up in something that doesn’t help them grow in grace. So John speaks in his letter we know as 2 John, of truth and love, of teachability and discernment, of having an open and closed door, so that his readers (including us) might grow in Christ-likeness and service.
Full service
00:00 Welcome
Song: All Creatures of Our God
00:19 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
Song: By Faith
06:04 Bible reading: 1 John 2:18-29
Song: There is a Redeemer
08:04 Bible reading: 2 John 1-13
09:54 Sermon: 2 John 1-13
Song: May the Mind of Christ
31:30 Closing