‘An audacious claim’ (Matthew 6:9a)

Rev Philip Burns continues this series of sermons on ‘The Disciple’s Prayer’ by highlighting the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:9a, ‘Our Father in heaven’. By these words Jesus taught that praying to God this way is only possible by God’s grace. It is not by our efforts or works that anyone belongs to God’s family, but only by this free gift. These words also imply that no-one comes to God alone and that there are others who because of the same grace, also call Him ‘Father’. It also aligns us to being his sons and daughters who do His will and live as His people in the world.

From South Asia with the love of Christ…

Come and hear one of the leaders of the persecuted church of Myanmar, Rev Dr Thang Bwee,  7:30pm,  Monday May 14th, 2012, St John’s Presbyterian Church Hall, Forest Street, Bendigo

Rev Dr Thang Bwee founded the Evangelical Reformed Church of Myanmar (Burma) in 1992. Now with about 35 congregations in Chin State, Rangon and the Irrawaddy delta, the ERC is a partner church of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and Thang Bwee is the Principal of the ERC’s Reformed Bible Institute (established in 2000). PCA missionary Martin Eagle (From NSW) serves in Yangon under Thang Bwee’s supervision.  He is father of 3, Elisandy, Bowie Benjamin, and Vesta, and is married to Nelly.

This is Thang Bwee’s second visit to Australia (having previously visited Bendigo in 2006) to visit Presbyterian churches in many states. This visit is again under the auspices of Mission Partners and has been funded by personal gifts of supporters, however there will be an offering for Mission Partners to help defray the costs of Thang Bwee’s visit and also support the Bible Institute of the ERC.

Please bring some supper to share. All are welcome.

‘A user’s guide to effective prayer’ (Luke 11:1-13)

Philip Burns preached from Luke 11:1-13 concerning the subject of prayer. Establishing and maintaining a strong prayer life is one of the hardest things to do. In these verses, the disciples observed Jesus praying and asked Him to teach them to pray. Jesus went on to teach them about priorities in prayer – putting God and His kingdom ahead of our own needs, persistence in prayer – reminding us that God is more willing to hear us than the man in the parable who was woken by his neighbour at night, and the Person we pray to – who knows what we need and is more than able to determine the best response to the requests we make.