‘The fall and fall of Korah and his friends’ (Numbers 16:1-50)

The text of Numbers 16 concerns the rebellion of Korah and his friends against the leadership of Moses and Aaron. Korah fell for the dangers of thinking too highly of himself, influencing others the wrong way and refusing to humble himself before the Lord. His tragic end was a warning to the rest of the Israelites, but sadly they did not heed the lesson. The New Testament speaks of ‘Korah’s rebellion’ and urges us to heed the lesson that ‘a man reaps what he sows’ – something that the people of Israel failed to grasp.

Church hall renovation update

The renovations of our church hall continue to progress smoothly. The new kitchen and (indoor) toilets, new entrance and ramp should all be ready for use by the end of September. However not all will be done then! At a congregational meeting held today it was agreed that we should proceed with the ‘Stage 2’ of the renovations – the installation of a lower (false) ceiling in the hall. This is going to add some time to the project’s length, but will be a wonderful addition in the long run. We’ll keep you posted on when all is done!

‘The dangers of unbelief’ (Numbers 14:11-45)

Numbers 14 is a sad tale of the consequences of the unbelief of the people of God in the desert. Their unbelief was contrary to what they had experienced of the Lord’s goodness and mercy, it led to death and defeat and also caused hardness of heart amongst the people. These consequences of unbelief still remain – especially when churches and denominations ignore the truths of God’s Word and determine to go their own way. Only one solution to this is recommended and that is to never let a minute pass when we are not trusting the Lord.

‘Giants, grasshoppers and God’ (Numbers 13:1-14:10)

Numbers 13 and 14 concern the pivotal moment when the twelve spies brought back their report of the land of Canaan. All saw that the land was flowing with ‘milk and honey’ and was exactly as God had told them would be. However, in unbelief, ten of the spies reported that the giants in the land were too big for them to fight, while only Joshua and Caleb urged them all to trust in God’s promises and go in and take the land. It is not easy to live by faith and not by sight, but God calls us to do just that and not take our eyes of His presence or His promises.

Quarterly prayer gathering

“The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is pray. It is not the only thing; but it is the chief thing. The great people of earth today are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer, nor those who say they believe in prayer; nor yet those who can explain about prayer;  but I mean those people who take time to pray.” (S.D. Gordon)

Join us at our next “Quarterly Prayer Gathering” 2pm-4:30/5:00pm, Saturday August 25th in the Church Vestry

‘A community of grumblers’ (Numbers 11:1-12:16)

Numbers 11 and 12 is mainly concerned with  the ‘attitude of ingratitude’ shown by the people of Israel on their journey through the desert. The people had a mind to complain about the food they had and didn’t have, some blessings others had and the leader (Moses) they all had. Such grumbling was evidence of their lack of trust in the Lord and His gracious gifts. A spirit of grumbling and complaint can still afflict the people of God today, whenever our eyes are off the Lord and His undeserved blessings.

‘Words for the (would be) wise’ (James 1:5-11)

Trials have a habit of making us think soberly about life and help us to see that we lack wisdom. God has a habit of generously giving wisdom to those who ask Him, but James reminds us that faith will be an essential pre-requisite. Wisdom will also be needed to live in this world where the rich seem to have status over the poor. James has something to say about that too.