Bendigo Christian Union – Annual Dinner October 26th

An invitation is extended to all to join with the Bendigo Christian Union as they celebrate what God has done on campus this year and pray for the year ahead. There will be a recap of the highlights of 2012, a sending out of the 2012 graduates, thanks to the outgoing committee and welcoming of the new committee.

Guest speaker is Max McKay, a co-founder of La Trobe University, Bendigo.

The dinner will commence at 6pm on Friday, 26th October at Bendigo Pottery (146 Midland Hwy, Epsom: map). Cost is $35. All welcome. RSVP by Friday 19th October.

To register see the details on the Bendigo Christian Union’s site (see link below)


‘The Apostle Paul’s view on the eldership’ (Acts 20:13-38)

The text of Acts 20 concerns Paul’s meeting with the elders from Ephesus and his parting words to them. From this we can glean what Paul understood to be the role of an elder in God’s church. The elder is to minister to people with sincerity, handle the truth of the Word of God with care and protect the flock of God’s people with truth. No-one is perfectly suited to this high calling in themselves, yet this does not negate the fact the God calls and appoints men to lead His people. In the end being like Jesus the Chief Shepherd is what makes a man suitable for this noble task.

Almost there!!

The renovations of the Church Hall have been going along at a pace and the time has almost come – the finish line is beckoning!

Everything looks amazing and we can’t wait to make use of these new facilities. A tentative date for an ‘opening celebration’ has been set for Sunday October 28th at 10:30am. Keep watching this page for more details.

SE Bendigo Church plant to go ahead in 2013

We’re pleased to announce that plans have all come together under the good hand of God to plant a new Presbyterian Church in South East Bendigo in 2013.

More details will be revealed in time and when they are appropriate, but for now rejoice with us and pray for us as we take on this ‘open door of opportunity’ for the gospel’s sake.

‘Of snakes and salvation’ (Numbers 21:4-9)

The text of Numbers 21 concerns the snakes that bit the people of Israel after they grumbled against Moses and the Lord. In an act that would foreshadow the salvation that Jesus would bring, Moses lifted up a bronze snake upon a pole and all who looked to it were healed and kept from certain death. Jesus spoke of this in John 3:15-18 and said that He would be lifted up (on the cross) and all who look to Him in faith will be saved.

‘Faith: the real and the not so real’ (James 2:14-26)

Faith is a concept that both unbelievers and believers can struggle with. This part of the book of James tackles the question of faith head on, showing that genuine faith will be seen and shown by deeds. No deeds will mean that there is no faith present or even that we have the faith of demons (whose belief in God leads them to do no more than quake in their boots!).  So how do faith and deeds sit together? James points to the examples of  Abraham and Rahab so that we might know!

‘Breaking the law of God without knowing it’ (James 2:8-13)

Following on from James’ practical warnings about showing favouritism (2:1-7) comes this Scriptural foundation. While we may think that showing favouritism ‘hardly’ breaks God’s law, James reminds us that in God’s sight sin is sin and all sin deserves His judgement, yet (thankfully) that He also acts mercifully to those who show mercy. By these James challenges those who claim to love God and keep His law, if we would pass His test.

Church family picnic

It’s Spring!

Time for AFL finals, blossom trees, sunny days and picnics!

All are welcome to come and join in our Church Family Picnic, Sunday September 23rd, after worship and morning tea at the White Hills Botanical Gardens (Midland Hwy, White Hills). If wet, no picnic! BYO everything!

‘Lessons from a dead stick’ (Numbers 17:1-13)

Numbers 17 relates the important story of Aaron’s rod that budded, proving that he was the one chosen by God to be the High Priest of Israel. While mankind hates the notion of needing to be saved by another, God has made it clear that salvation can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ and not in any other. Aaron’s budding rod also reminds us that (as Jesus taught in John 15) that it is only those who are ‘connected’ to Him who produce fruit.