‘Being part of the ripple effect’ (John 1:35-51)

When John the Baptist announced that Jesus was the Messiah, some of his disciples turned and followed Jesus, others became convinced of Jesus’ identity by their experience and still others came to follow Jesus because of their own study of the Scripture. John’s words led to an immediate growth in the number of disciples who followed Jesus. In many ways the same happens today as believers share their personal testimony or what they have found through believing the Word of God. This ‘ripple effect’ will grow if and when today’s disciples continue to speak ‘just a word’ for Jesus.

‘The down-to-earth-in-the-flesh God’ (John 1:14-18)

John 1:14-18 is an amazing text of John’s gospel, ‘the Word became flesh’. By these words, John tells us something of the some of the motive of love that God had in sending his Son, Jesus, something of the rescue mission he enacted for our sake, and something of God’s presence beside us in the birth of Emmanuel (God with us) – all beyond our full understanding but not our appreciation!.

‘Jesus: as He really is’ (John 1:1-18)

John’s Gospel is the ‘gospel that is different’. 1:1-18 brings out some of the major themes that John introduces to his readers. John presents Jesus as the Living Word, the One who is fully divine, eternal,the creator of all things and the one who became flesh (man). John’s purpose in writing is that we might believe in Jesus and so have life in His Name and all who do that are granted the privilege of being called His children.

‘Contentment in a world that never has enough’ (Matthew 6:25-34)

Matthew 6:25-34 is well known and loved because it contains truth that the world often denies or forgets. Because God has promised to look after the needs of His people, we can live free of the love of money and this will enable us to live worry free under God’s care, confidently under His hand and entirely for His Kingdom in this world. In a world that promotes the idea that you can never have enough, Jesus reminds us that putting God’s Kingdom first in our priorities will reap a different kind of riches that will last for all eternity.

News of gospel ministry in Malawi and Zambia

Presbyterian ministry couple, Rev Dean & Mrs Sandy Carroll will share about their experiences on the PCV’s ‘STAMP’ (Short Term Africa Mission Partners) trip in July 2012 on two occasions near the end of the month.

Wednesday night November 28th: Open House at the Manse, 7:30pm. Please bring some supper to share.

Thursday morning November 29th:  With the Ladies of the Bendigo PWMU Lones and guests in the Upper Room at 10am. Light lunch to follow at 12noon

All are welcome.



Playgroup & Sunday School end-of-year celebration

Yes, it’s that time of year again, when we welcome the children of our Playgroup and Sunday School (and their parents!!) for a special end-of-year celebration at at our 10:30am service. Looks like ‘Hot Dog’ will be coming too! 🙂

Lunch will follow in the hall. All are very welcome!