Just before the events of Good Friday, John records an event in the life of Jesus when Greek men came and sought him out. The arrival of these men has a trigger for Jesus that the ‘hour’ had come, that the cross was near, but what did the arrival of these men signify? What was John saying about what was before Jesus? And, was it ‘all over’ once that has taken place?
Author: Philip
‘Where’s the triumph in the ‘triumphal entry’?’ (John 12:9-19)
Rev Philip Burns preaches from John 12:9-19 concerning Palm Sunday. While all the gospels report the events of Palm Sunday, John highlights Jesus as the centre of the crowd’s attention, the fulfillment of the prophet Zechariah’s prediction and the willing servant who came to do the Father’s will. Getting on a donkey may not be that impressive in itself, but getting of a cross is quite another! By riding as he did into Jerusalem, Jesus set his face toward the cross and obeying the Father’s will to the utmost
‘Get up close’ (Acts 8:26-40 – Alan Canavan)
In this message, Alan Canavan (with Wycliffe/SIL) highlighted the text of Acts 8:26-40 concerning the conversion of the Ethiopian man in the desert, illustrating his message with examples from his experience as a missionary in Papua New Guinea for over 20 years. As a linguist, Alan focused upon the imperative commands in the text and also touched upon the need to trust the Holy Spirit’s prompting to share the good news of the gospel with those outside of God’s Kingdom.
Good Friday & Easter Sunday services
Join us as we meet on Good Friday (March 29th) at 9:30am as we take up John 12:20-36 and consider how ‘the time had come’ for Jesus to die. Morning tea will follow. There will be a retiring offering for PresAID projects in Vanuatu and Zimbabwe.
On Easter Sunday, we ‘ll meet at the usual time of 10:30am.
Alan & Faye Canavan to visit
Alan and Faye have been with Wycliffe Bible Translators since 1986. They worked on translation and literacy in Papua New Guinea for 20 years and are now based in Townsville. Alan now serves as a linguistic consultant for SIL Pacific area and Faye is involved in Member Care. They will speak at a special evening gathering on Saturday night March 16th at our Church Hall in Forest Street from 7pm. There will be supper. Then on Sunday March 17th, Alan and Faye will both share in our morning service and Alan will preach on Acts 8:26-40. All are welcome. There will be opportunities to contribute to a retiring offering over the weekend.
Special Presentation: ‘Noah’s Ark’ (Genesis 6-9)
Rod Walsh, the ‘Ark Man’ from Creation Ministries International (CMI) presents compelling reasons why the account of ‘Noah and the Ark’ (in Genesis 6-9) can be treated as being trustworthy. While many regard the Ark as a fanciful tale for children, Rod explains that the Ark reminds us that God takes judgement seriously and has made a way of salvation for all who put their trust in the Lord Jesus.
‘Journeying on to the city of the great King’ (Psalms 132, 133, 134)
Psalms 132,133 and 134 are three psalms that are linked by a common theme of being part of the ‘songs of ascent’ that were sung by the people of Israel going up to Jerusalem. Psalm 132 highlights that the city of Jerusalem was the city where God’s King lived. Psalm 133 celebrates the unity of the people of God in that city, and Psalm 134’s focus is upon the worship of God’s Name that happened there by day and night. Heaven will be all this and more for God’s people upon a ‘pilgrim journey’ to that heavenly city.
Concert with Eduard Klassen
It’s not often that we get to host international musicians who are stopping over here as part of a world tour, but that’s all about to change when Eduard Klassen brings his music and testimony to St John’s on Sunday March 17th at 3pm.
Eduard will be in Australia courtesy of HCJB. Also check out his own website and then join us as we welcome him!
Playgroup set to resume this week!
‘The view from the back seat’ (John 3:22-36)
These verses bring the conclusion of the ministry of John the Baptist into view. John was a faithful servant of Jesus who was glad to take the ‘back seat’ and point others in the direction of the One he served. As John gracefully stepped out of the limelight in this way, he also highlighted how Jesus was far more important than he, for Jesus came from the Father and with His authority to declare the truth. Faithful servants will not allow themselves to get in the way of the One they serve.