Join us as we come together to pray for local, national and worldwide needs, God’s people across all nations, missions near and far and His will to be done in our lives. We’ll meet in the Upper Room (the meeting room in our Church Hall) from 9:30am until approx 11:30am.
Author: Philip
Playgroup and Sunday School celebration is on again!
Wow.. how the year flies past! This Sunday (Nov 24th) we’ll wrap up our Playgroup and Sunday School year once again! Even ‘Hot Dog’ is promising to be there! A shared lunch will follow in the hall…come and join with us!
‘Comfort and hope for slow-to-believe disciples’ (John 16:25-33)
John 16:25-33 highlights the final aspects of the message that Jesus spoke to his disciples before his death. In preparing them for his departure, Jesus made his future plain to them while the disciples responded by making their faith plain to him. In response Jesus then made their future plain to them as he told them of the trouble they would have in the world as his followers. But in all the trouble they would face, Jesus promised them his peace and gave them every encouragement by telling them that he had overcome the world. Those who believe in him and remain faithful to the end will likewise overcome the world through him.
To Chad with MAF (and APWM) with love
On Sunday November 17th we’ll be welcoming David and Lisa Pearce and family to our morning service at 10:30am before they journey over to Chad with MAF (Missionary Aviation Fellowship) and APWM (Australian Presbyterian World Mission – see link below.)
For David and Lisa this is a new part of Africa to explore, having served in Uganda and Kenya in previous years.
There will be a retiring offering for their support. All are welcome!
‘Transforming sorrow …into joy’ (John 16:16-24)
John 16:16-24 highlights the sorrow that the disciples would soon endure because of Jesus’ death. In this text Jesus promised that their sorrow was something he would turn into joy. He could do this because their sorrow would be short-lived, it would be for a purpose and it will bring about a new avenue of approach to God through prayer. Ultimately their sorrow would become joy because Jesus would not remain dead for long but would live again and the disciples would see Him again.
Ladies’ Brunch
‘Getting a grasp on the ministry of the Spirit’ (John 16:4-15)
John 16:4-15 highlights the importance of Jesus’ teaching about the ministry of the Holy Spirit. His task in the world is to convict people of unbelief, righteousness and judgement and He does this by using the Word of God and applying it to the hearts of those who hear or read it. The Spirit’s role among God’s people is to enable us to remember and grasp the teaching and the words of Jesus and to promote the wonder and majesty of Jesus as the Saviour of all who believe.
‘Colossians’ in Home Groups
Paul’s letter to the believers in Colossae remains a vital one for so many reasons even after so many years! We’ve just begun to tackle the letter in our Home Groups (you’ll see the times listed somewhere on this page). Why not join us at one of them?
Guest Sermon: Commander Mike Oborn (Mark 4:35-41)
At our Annual Seafarer’s service, Commander Mike Oborn preached from Mark 4:35-41 concerning the calming of the storm. Mike looked at the passage from his vast experience at sea and so from the perspective of a mariner. In doing so he pointed out that what Mark recorded about the storm on the lake and the fear of the disciples in the boat were both plausible. So too the stilling of the storm by which Jesus showed the extent of His power over all of creation. The disciples responded to him with a mixture of awe and fear. Our response to him is vital when we consider how it is that we must face him on the day of judgement.
Annual Naval Service October 20th
Each year we welcome representatives of Bendigo’s Ex-Navalmen’s Club and the naval cadets of TS Bendigo to a special service with a distinct navy theme. This year our guest preacher will again be Commander Mike Oborn RAN, Executive Officer of HMAS Cerberus, who will preach on Psalm 107 and Mark 4. After the service Commander Oborn will inspect the naval cadets in formation, and then morning tea will follow in the hall. All are welcome!