This chapter reveals how quickly the spiritual life people of Israel began a downward spiral so soon after the call of Samuel. Thinking that they would be guaranteed success in their battle with their enemies, the people of Israel only succeeded in surrendering the Ark of the Covenant to them. Worse yet, they treated something holy in a superstitious way and demeaned the glory of God by their actions. We do likewise if we do not guard well the truth of the gospel and allow man’s thoughts and ideas to lead us toward ungodly religion and superstition.
Author: Philip
‘O give me Samuel’s ear …and heart …and mind’ (1 Samuel 3:1-21)
1 Samuel 3 contains three things that contribute to the overall picture it paints. The first is the need of the hour. The word of God was rare in those days. God’s judgement was upon the land because of their idolatry. Also. the chapter speaks of the call of the prophet Samuel one night when God spoke to him in audible tones. Samuel then had to declare the message of the Lord to Eli of the judgement upon his house. All this combines to remind us that Samuel’s heart was intent on hearing and being obedient to the Word of God.
Home Groups launch & dinner, 2014
Home Groups are such an integral part of our church life at Bendigo (St John’s) Presbyterian. For a couple of years now we’ve met together for dinner at the start of the ‘Home Group year’ to decide upon groups and venues and leaders, as well as meet together for a meal and pray together in our Home Groups. This year’s launch will be on Wednesday night Feb 12th at the Church Hall in Forest Street from 6:30pm. (Bring a mains and a sweet!)
Australia Day 2014 @ BPC
It’s been 11 years since Australia Day fell on a Sunday, so this year we took the opportunity to refresh our thinking about our history and those who brought the gospel to this land and taught it throughout the colonies and the first schools.
You might like to refresh your memory about that too with the videos below…
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‘Apples, oranges and a three-way contrast’ (1 Samuel 2:1-36)
In 1 Samuel 2:1-36 the writer carefully contrasts the character and actions of Hannah, her son Samuel and Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas who were priests of Israel. While Hannah rejoiced in God because of His faithfulness, the two sons of Eli showed great contempt for God and His Word and so earned God’s displeasure. In was in this situation that Samuel was raised and started living according to the grace he had received from God. Believers should never be the same as the world and our witness for Christ should be evident, like a light shining in a dark place.
Gearing up to go…
With the holiday season almost over and the end of January and the commencement of the school year now in sight, it won’t be long before regular ministries get underway once again. Keep watching this space! (No you don’t have to rush out and buy a telescope!)
‘Cradle, cross and crown’ (Philippians 2:1-11)
On Christmas Day (and every day), it’s good to think about the ‘amazing gulf that God did span’ in sending His Son to this earth to be our Saviour. In Philippians 2:1-11, Paul links 3 great truths that all are dependent upon one another; the birth, death and exaltation of Jesus, that not only are important theologically, but also practically – because they teach us how to live.
Christmas Day Service, 9:30am
You are welcome to join us at 9:30am on Christmas Day as we meet to celebrate the coming into the world of the One who said ‘I am the Light of the world’ (John 8:12). We’ll sing some carols, hear from God’s Word and will also be taking up an offering for PresAID projects in Uganda and East Timor and afterward we’ll share some morning tea!
Carols by Torchlight Dec 22nd 8pm
Join us as we come together for ‘Carols by Torchlight’ (yep, it’s much safer than candles!) at St John’s on Sunday December 22nd at 8pm, followed by supper in the hall (please bring some to share!) All very welcome!
Combined Home Groups end-of-year BBQ!
Monday night December 2nd. Lake Weeroona 6pm. BYO everything!
All welcome!!