When Jesus spent time in the garden of Gethsemane, as recorded in Matthew 26:36-46, He faced an hour of enormous anguish that required angelic help to recover from. What took place in Gethsemane? What caused His soul to be ‘troubled to the point of death?’ And how is it that we can speak of the ‘victory’ of His time in the garden? What had He come to do there and how is it linked to His death on the cross? Matthew gives us answers to all these questions and more!
Author: Philip
‘The King who spoke to the fig tree’ (Matthew 21:18-22)
After Jesus made a clear declaration of who He was on Palm Sunday, then righted the wrongs of the Temple, Matthew 21: 18-22 records this curious incident of the fig tree which he cursed. Going up to the tree which was covered in green leaves, Jesus expected to find figs, but there were none. As a result Jesus cursed the tree and it withered and died. The disciples were amazed at what took place, so Jesus reminded them that faith filled prayer can move mountains. The cursing of the tree has puzzled many, but it stands in the Bible as a picture of what was true of Israel at that time. All leaves, but no fruit, just hypocritical religion. This ‘fruit-less-ness’ is linked of course to ‘faith-less-ness’. Where there is no faith, there will be no fruit! The challenge for us is to be people who are full of faith and fruit and empty of hypocrisy (the ‘greeen leaves’ of religion).
‘The King who came to His Temple’ (Matthew 21:12-17)
After Jesus made a clear declaration of who He was on Palm Sunday, in Matthew 21:12-17, He set out to make an even clearer statement the following morning, when he entered the Temple, and overthrew the moneychangers and the market that had become part and parcel of religious life, instead of being a place of prayer for all nations. Following these events which would have incensed the Jewish authorities, Matthew tells us that Jesus healed many outcasts and welcomed the praise of little children. The Bible tells us that when left to ourselves, man corrupts the worship of God and turns it into something that suits. It also tells us that when Jesus returns, He will cleanse the whole world, separating the sheep from the goats and the chaff from the wheat. Again, Jesus forces us to give a response to Him.
‘The King who rode in on the donkey’ (Matthew 21:1-11)
When Jesus rode in to Jeruslaem on a donkey as recorded in Matthew 21:1-11, He made a very deliberate statement. It was the start of the last week of His life. He knew what was going to happen to Him on the Friday. yet, to make a point and to draw attention to Himself, and to show that He was the King foretold in the Old Testament, Jesus rode that day to varied responses from the crowds. Some like the Pharisees, totaly rejected Him. Others were forced to ask the question ‘Who is this’? And many others proclaimed Him as the great prophet. Still, others believed in Him as Lord. The claims Jesus made still challenge and divide today. He may be the most worthy of Kings to serve, but is He your King?
Easter services @ St John’s
‘When defeat is turned back into victory’ (Joshua 8:1-29)
Soon after Joshua’s defeat at Ai as a result of Achan’s sin, Joshua 8:1-29 tells of how God helped Joshua overcome the bitter taste of defeat and renew his fight against the people of Ai. He did this, first, by giving Joshua encouragement in the same terms in which his call to service had been given. Then, he gave to Joshua a strategy that would work. This strategy would require Joshua to be brave and all Israel to work together. He also gave Joshua success in the battle as Joshua learned to trust God’s plan and yield himself to it. Failure is no barrier to service in God’s Kingdom and Joshua proved that those who trust in the Lord and obey will know His blessing. In this way he points us to the greater Joshua, the Lord Jesus.
TEAM (Teaching English as Ministry) Training Day, Saturday Feb 27th
We are happy to host this Training Day on Saturday from 10am -3:30pm (9:30am registration and tea/coffee). See the program below, but contact us asap if you want to come along! Cost is $30 (includes morning tea, lunch and take-home resources)
Getting Started: Practical tips and ideas for starting or getting involved in an English ministry in your church or community.
Being inspired: Hear from those with experience in teaching English as ministry in Australia and overseas, Observe some mini lessons, Learn about relating well cross culturally.
Keeping Going: Using the Bible in English learning, Stimulating activities to reduce teacher talk and maximize student conversations, Caring for beginners, Sharing practical ESL resources.
‘When victory is swallowed up by defeat’ (Joshua 7:1-26)
After the resounding victory of the people of Israel over the city of Jericho, Joshua 7:1-26 records how the people of Israel stumbled at the smaller hurdle of the city of Ai where they suffered a resounding defeat. The causes of this defeat were many. One was the trap of self-confidence that Joshua and his men fell for. The defeat of Jericho only inflated their pride not their humility. Another was the trap of prayerlessness. Joshua fell on his face before the Lord after the defeat, but maybe should have sought the Lord before the battle. The main reason for their loss was the trap of disobedience. Unbeknown to Joshua, one of his men, Achan, kept some of the spoil from the victory over Jericho for himself and God was not pleased. It was only when Achan’s sin was exposed and judged that Israel could go on. Thankfully God does not make our sins public (unlike Achan’s) and has also provided us with gracious means of salvation through the death of Jesus on the cross.
‘Just how did those walls fall down?’ (Joshua 6:1-27)
When the people of Israel entered the land of Canaan, their first major obstacle to overcome was the city of Jericho with its thick, high and wide walls. By human account, getting past those wall was an impossibility, but when Joshua fell on his face before the Commander of the Lord’s Army, he guaranteed victory for his people by abandoning his plans for attacking Jericho and being obedient to the Lord’s strategy. That strategy found in Joshua 6:1-27 involved a lot of marching, trumpet blowing and shouting, but the wall fell and we learn from it the kind of patient, disciplene and perserving faith that God’s people need in daily living.
Home Groups launch dinner
Home Groups are such an integral part of our church life at Bendigo (St John’s) Presbyterian. For a couple of years now we’ve met together for dinner at the start of the ‘Home Group year’ to decide upon groups and venues and leaders, as well as meet together for a meal and pray together in our Home Groups.
This year’s launch will be on Thursday night Feb 18th at the Church Hall in Forest Street from 6pm. (Bring a mains/sweet!)