With the death of Absalom, the civil war that threatened to undermine David’s kingdom came to an end. On returning to his throne, we find in 2 Samuel 19:1-43 that David immediately sought to put his house in order – rewarding some, ending the service of others and reviewing the actions of those given responsibility. When Jesus the King returns, he will also undertake similar actions and none shall escape his searching eye.
Author: Philip
‘Mini’ Bible Conference @ St John’s Oct 27th
We are pleased to be hosting this day event on Saturday October 27th from 10am-4:30pm featuring keynote speaker, Rev Dr Peter Adam, electives on reading the Bible one-to-one with people in various contexts, a time of prayer for gospel growth and lunch together. All this just for the cost of lunch. Come and join us!
‘Bittersweet news for the troubled king’ (2 Samuel 18:1-33)
2 Samuel 18:1-33 records how the civil war led by Absalom against his father came to an inglorious end. It was a sad day for David for many reasons, one of which was that this was the culmination of some bad choices and parenting. Yet still, in spite of the tragic nature of the text, David again points us to Jesus who could do and will do what David could not.
‘The King’s providence at work in the life of the king!’ (2 Samuel 17:1-29)
After David fled from Absalom, it seemed that his whole kingdom was in danger of falling. Ahithophel, David’s trusted adviser, had gone over to join Absalom, and his counsel would have been dangerous for David. However, God was at work and in 2 Samuel 17:1-29, there are three particular evidences of His providence which meant that David knew that God had not abandoned him and that His plans were being unfolded.
‘The day the king’s name was despised’ (2 Samuel 16:1-33)
When David left Jerusalem because of Absalom’s push to replace him, 2 Samuel 15 told of 3 men who came to his aid. Following this, 2 Samuel 16:1-33 tells of 3 other men who wanted to achieve just the opposite – either to further their own standing in his eyes, to curse him or to cause his kingdom to crumble. In the end, so much of what David endured points us again to His greater Son, Jesus, who also endured what He did to save His own.
Culture Connect training day Sept 22nd @ St John’s
People are on the move. They’re fleeing war, conflict and persecution. They’re looking for work. They’ve been trafficked, abused or cast out. For any number of reasons, they are in a new place. They’re seeking a new life and their needs are many.
Here in Australia, the church is on the move. As God brings new neighbours into our communities, we have the opportunity to become people of peace to them. CultureConnect is helping Australian Christians come alongside migrants to share journeys of joy and pain, faith and hope.
You’re invited to this special training event, where CultureConnect workers will be sharing how you can walk with those on the move in your community. So come, walk with us.
You’re invited!
When: Saturday, 22nd September 2018
Arrive from 9:30am, for a 10am sharp start. Concluding at 4pm
Where: St John’s Presbyterian Church Hall
Corner of MacKenzie Street and Forest Street, Bendigo
Cost: $20 per head / $10 concession
(Bring four people from your fellowship and fifth person comes FREE)
RSVP: interserve.org.au/go/equippinggodspeople-event
(this is essential)
Lunch and light refreshments provided.
More information: Ian and Nancy Cutlack niancycutlack@gmail.com
CultureConnect: A ministry of Interserve
‘Standing firm in an age of Jesus-plus-something’ (Colossians 2:8-12)
The first century Christian church faced all kinds of trials from within and without. It was a time of much persecution and false teachers and teachings. In Colossians 2:8-12, Paul urged his readers to stand firm in Christ, but also told them why they should do that and in doing so, shed some light on the work of Christ on our behalf and the connection between circumcision and baptism.
‘Learning from the king’s darkest day’ (2 Samuel 15:1-37)
After the events of 2 Samuel 14 where tensions between David and his son Absalom grew in their intensity, 2 Samuel 15:1-37 records how Absalom launched an all-out campaign to usurp David from his throne. As a result of this David fled, and in doing so must have known one of his darkest days, although not without the support of three individuals who came to support him. David’s darkest day points us to Jesus who went one step further, so that all who trust in Him (as David did – see Psalm 3) can find the great comfort and assurance of grace.
Would we be better off without Christianity?
Christian history is full of violence, corruption, and oppression. So would we be better off without Christianity? Does religion poison everything?
The history of the church offers plenty of ammunition to its critics. Crusades, inquisitions, witch hunts, the oppression of women …
‘For the Love of God: How the church is better and worse than you ever imagined’ is a documentary by the Centre for Public Christianity, confronting the worst of what Christians have done – and also tracing the origins of Western values like human rights, charity, humility, and non-violence back to the influence of Jesus.
Screening at the Bendigo cinemas on Sunday August 26th, @2pm
Click here for more information and details of how to get tickets.
‘Dealing with the blind spots of the king’ (2 Samuel 14:1-33)
When David’s son Absalom killed his brother Amnon in revenge as recorded in 2 Samuel 13, he fled. 2 Samuel 14:1-33 the unfolds the story of the growing tension between King David and his wayward son – something that went on and on but remained unresolved. Davuid was clearly conflicted. He loved his son and could not or would not bring him to justice. It was an untenable situation and one that would backfire badly on David’s rule as king. Another cautionary tale from David’s life and experience!