About Us

We are a community of Christians of all ages who together confess faith in the grace of God revealed to us through His Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord whom we seek to worship, serve and love and make known His gospel (the good news concerning Him) to all.

As part of the wider Presbyterian Church of Victoria (and the Presbyterian Church of Australia) we believe God’s Word (the Bible) is our ‘rule of faith and practice’ and gladly hold to the Reformation doctrines of grace that are taught in the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Our denomination – Presbyterian

The history of the Presbyterian Church goes back to the Reformation in the 1500’s, when men like John Calvin and John Knox sought to bring in many reforms to church doctrine and worship. Knox, in particular, was instrumental in the establishing of the Church of Scotland, and many of our roots trace back there. In […]

Our story

Yep, like Bendigo, (pictured left in 1872) we’ve been around for a while! Take a moment to explore our rich history. Yes, we are rich – not because any of us found any gold – but because we have been blessed with spiritual riches bestowed upon us by the grace of our God in our […]

Our identity

We are a community of Christians of all ages who together confess faith in the grace of God revealed to us through His Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord whom we seek to worship, serve and love and make known His gospel (the good news concerning Him) to all. (Do you want to know […]

Our gospel partners (with links)

Barnabas Aid Life FM (105.1 on your FM dial in Bendigo) Australian Presbyterian World Mission Presbyterian Theological College Reforming Church (Bendigo East Presbyterian) Bendigo Christian Union Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) Women’s Ministries Victoria Presbyterian Youth Victoria

Our Royal Australian Navy connections

St John’s has had connections with the Royal Australian Navy since the 1980’s through our association with the ex-Navalmen’s Club of Bendigo and District. Many thanks veterans of the Royal Australian Navy served under the old Royal Navy White Ensign, which was laid up in St John’s in 2000. The Royal Australian Navy White Ensign was […]

‘Our’ cross-cultural gospel workers

It’s true! The gospel is not just for us or the people of the the city of Bendigo…it’s for the whole world. Jesus told us to ‘make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19). While we can’t get to every place in the world, we can support those a bit further afield from our city – […]

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission: To glorify God by…. making, nurturing and building disciples of Jesus Christ, through the living, sharing and preaching of the gospel of God’s grace. Our Vision: To be known as a Christ-centred community of God’s people who are: Committed to the truth of God’s Word, Prayerfully living and faithfully proclaiming the gospel of […]

Our Leadership Team

Here’s a brief bio about each of the members of our Session (elders). Andrew Kerr hails from Perth (WA) and Wagga Wagga (NSW) where he studied to be a teacher and was very involved in the work of AFES through the Christian Fellowship at Charles Sturt University. He is a maths and science teacher at […]

Our National Mag (now online) ‘AP’

  For many years, AP (Australian Presbyterian) was a thought provoking, helpful and thoroughly Biblical digest of reformed thought, devotion and piety. While the magazine is no longer in print, it is available online – without any loss of content. Just click here!