
As one of the many churches in Bendigo, we are a community of Christians of all ages, reformed and evangelical in our theology and practise.

We meet at 10:30am every Sunday  (9:30am on Good Friday and Christmas Day) on the corner of Forest and MacKenzie Streets, Bendigo.

You can also catch us on 105.1 Life FM, each Sunday at 9am.

We confess faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and rejoice in the salvation He freely gives His people by His grace. In response to God’s goodness in this way, we seek to love God in return and seek to share what we have come to know with the people of Bendigo and surrounds.

Are you searching for more about this salvation, what it means to be a Christian or what is so good about the good news of the gospel of the Lord Jesus? We’d love to meet you and answer any questions you have. Or maybe you have something you’d like us to pray about? Why not contact us and let us know?

Together with Eaglehawk PC and Reforming, Bendigo East PC, we form the three Presbyterian ‘sister’ churches in Bendigo.

Recent News

‘Noah’s flood – a deluge of evidence’ with Rod Walsh, 7pm on Fri Oct 25 at St John’s.

Evidence for design abounds in this world. Even some ardent atheists acknowledge this, but they deny the need for a Designer, attributing it to ‘evolution’. Modern science reveals design that ‘shouts out’ that God created, as the Bible says. However, many reject God on the basis that he must be god to allow the terrible events and suffering that we see in the world today. The idea that there was a ‘global flood’ that covered the earth and any suggestion that the ‘Noah’s Ark’ story is true, now gets laughed at by many. But the Bible holds this out as a fact, and in this world there is evidence in support of it. Do you know what that evidence is?

Rod Walsh, a well known speaker on Creation matters, from Creation Ministry International, will present some of this faith-affirming evidence that will encourage you in his topic, ‘Noah’s Flood – A Deluge of Evidence’. It’s on at St John’s, 7pm on Friday 25 October 2024. Supper follows and tables full of CMI resources. Come and join us!

Current Sermon Series

Latest Sermon

‘Timothy, be an encourager with the truth of the gospel’ (2 Timothy 1:13-18)

As Paul wrote to the younger pastor/teacher Timothy from his Roman jail cell, his time on earth was short, and Timothy’s time on earth would soon become more complicated with the rise of many false teachings and teachers. So what Paul wanted Timothy to do was be committed to the truth of the gospel – not be like others who fell away – but remain strong like Onesiphorus who not only sought out the Apostle in jail but met his needs there. We find this is 2 Timothy 1:13-18 were we read of a man who was a great encouragement to the imprisoned Apostle.



• The third in this series
• Paul’s example and what he expected of Timothy
• The passing of that baton
• See how Paul pointed Timothy toward …

  1. Committed to the truth of the gospel (v.13)
  2. Guarding well the truth of the gospel (v.14-15)
  3. Living out the truth of the gospel (v.16-18)

That ministry of encouragement
What will you do…?